Cleft Lip vs. Facial Cleft
Cleft Lip vs. Facial Cleft Left picture: The diagnosis is a partial cleft lip of the left side; the prominence of the lateral half of the lip close to the cleft corresponds to the contracted muscles of the upper lip which have no insertion at the midline structures.
Right picture: The diagnosis here is a transverse facial cleft which would proceed to the ipsilateral auricle in a complete development of such a cleft. In the presented case in the picture at the bottom a scarred retraction is visible in front of the ear on the left lateral region of the face as an indication of a rudimentary cleft. The continuity of the lip is interrupted incompletely in these two infants.
Left picture: The interruption of the lip lies in the continuation of a notch underneath the left nasal vestibulum.
Right picture: On looking closely, a notch is visible at the lateral angle of the mouth on the left side.