Right Coronal Synsostosis vs. Left Midface Hyperplasia
Right Coronal Synsostosis vs. Left Midface Hyperplasia Left picture: Here, the diagnosis is a unilateral synostosis of the right coronal suture; a right
midface hyperplasia and an asymmetry involving both the midface and the front are present.
Right picture: The preliminary diagnosis is a midface hyperplasia of the left side; follow-ups are necessary because the oblique plane of occlusion may lead to disorders of mastication and the jaw joint. In the newborn as well as in the infant, an asymmetry of the face is recognizable.
Right picture: The asymmetry is restricted in the newborn mainly to the midface; notice the course of the horizontal lid fissure axis and compare it with the horizontal mouth angle axis which diverges to the bottom on the left side.
Left picture: In this infant not only the midface is involved, but the horizontal lid fissure axis diverges to the top on the right side, whereas the mouth angle axis has a normal horizontal course; in addition, the lid fissures are not equally wide, while the right orbita lies more laterally and above than the left orbita; the hyperplasia of the right region of the midface leads to a stronger scoliosis of the vertical midline axis of the face than in the contralateral picture.