Epidermoid Cyst vs. Eosinophilic Granuloma
Epidermoid Cyst vs. Eosinophilic Granuloma Left picture: The diagnosis is an epidermoid cyst situated underneath the galea, as well as in the skull and in the suture; see also the picture at the bottom with the clinical presentation.
Right picture: The radiological finding corresponds to an eosinophilic granuloma, which was confirmed by histological examination. Both infants have a defect of the skull. The x-rays have been performed because of a visible and palpable mass.
Left picture: The defect is lying symmetrically in the region of the sagittal suture (= midline position) and sporadically, a sclerotic border can be seen.
Right picture: Here, the bony defect is localized in the right lateral periorbital region, is irregular like a map in the x-ray, and expands to the roof of the orbita.