Urine Analysis (Cathecholamines)
metu_19d_n.jpg: In case of tumors of the posterior mediastinum a qualitative and quantitative analysis of urine cathecholamines is necessary, and in case of a neuroblastoma additional examinations for staging, histology, and biology of the tumor.
Analogous examinations are performed in case of malignant lymphoma. In inflammatory lymphoma microbiological, serological and other examinations such as diagnostic bronchoscopy belong to the work-up in addition to sedimentation rate, CRP etc.
3.1-year-old boy with a neurogenic mediastinal tumor. The catecholamines =MHMA were increased preoperatively. According to the histological findings (ganglioneuroblastoma) and a former protocol, a postoperative irradiation was performed, followed by a normalization of the catecholamine values without a recurrent increase after a year.