Clinical Signs (Gastroesophageal Reflux)

List of the signs and symptoms of uncomplicated and complicated gastroesophageal reflux. The uncomplicated or simple reflux is a frequent disease and therefore one of the most important causes of vomiting in early infancy. The transition to a complicated reflux is smooth because the corresponding clinical signs may be insignificant and are not noticed, or reflux is not considered in the differential diagnosis due to ignorance. Failure to thrive should not reach the degree depicted in $$haem_01??££the alternate picture§§ before it is recognized as such. A regular follow-up of the body weight enables an early detection. The cause of hematemesis, of melena, and chronic anemia may be a reflux esophagitis of different degrees. The latter may in turn lead to localized or long-distance esophageal stenosis or to a secondary brachyesophagus. Behind symptoms and signs of the respiratory system with or without an asthmoid bronchitis which are difficult to treat, reflux may be hidden in more than 40% (Mattioli G at al. Eur J Pediatr Surg 2004;14:7-13). Also, the cause of swallowed foreign bodies getting stuck in the esophagus, hypersalivation, avoidance of solid food, and obvious dysphagia may be a reflux with following peptic stenosis. Rarely, the reflux may be a differential diagnosis of torticollis, and the listed unspecific symptoms may be caused by a gastro-esophageal reflux. If a child is shunned by his/her classmates due to halitosis, carious teeth as well as reflux may be the cause.