Gastroesopgageal Reflux, Hiatus Hernia vs. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (Morgagni)
Gastroesopgageal Reflux, Hiatus Hernia vs. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (Morgagni) Right picture: This child has a congenital diaphragmatic hernia of Morgagni of the right side including some liver tissue in his hernia sac.
Left picture: Here, a gastroesophageal reflux with a hiatus hernia with a large epiphrenic pouch is present which is filled with air. A long-standig gastroesophageal reflux draws often attention by symptoms and signs of the respiratory system due to repeated aspirations. The chest x-rays of both children show medially in the right lower field an opacity which has cranially a rounded contour. The chest x-rays of both patient have been performed due to chronic symptoms of the respiratory system.
Left picture: The opacity was initially interpreted as a hilar structure. On looking closely,
an annular shadow is present which has also a round limit in a lateral direction; in its center,
air-containing lung tissue can be suspected.
Right picture: This finding consists of a homogeneous opacity and behind it, ribs and allusively, lung structure is recognizable.